Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 33, Scarf 33: Twin

Well, with all of the meetings and craziness of preparing my Masters application I had very little time to be creative with colour choice today! I decided to go with exactly the same yarn as the previous scarf to make life easier!


  1. rooting for you kathy anne, masters and 365 scarves, you are amazing. looking forward to seeing photos of you with your pieces of art...of anyone is going to get it done IT WILL BE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You never know when twins are going to want scarves anyway :)

  3. Thanks for the vote of confidence Cheryl! It's funny how quickly daily knitting has become a part of my feels weird when my hands aren't busy knitting something!

    Crys, what a great thought! I love the idea of twins ending up with matching scarves! :)
