Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 249, Scarf 249: Work Day

Today I buckled down and managed to knit two scarves and finish my quilt! I will post pictures of the quilt (in case you are interested in seeing some other things that I do!) in the next couple of days.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 248, Scarf 248: A Box From the Island

Today I went into Dream Designs to pick up yarn donations. They had a whole box full of yarn for me that was mailed by Lynne Bowen from Nanaimo! This is the first piece of mail that the Purls of Warmth project has received and it was a big one! I feel so grateful that she was kind enough to send the box my way.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 247, Scarf 247: It's Alive!

When I say "It's Alive" I am referring to Craft Day with my cousins...we hadn't had one in a while and I was worried that Craft Day had died. I am happy to report that after today's Craft Day you can all rest assured that Craft Day is alive and well!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 246, Scarf 246: High Note

Max ended up taking me to Whistler for our anniversary weekend. We went on the High Note hike for the first time. We took the lift up to the top of Whistler and then we did the 3 and a half hour hike down, up, down, up, down and around the mountain! It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 245, Scarf 245: Where are we going?

Today Max is taking me somewhere but I don't know where! We have a deal that we alternate planning our anniversary celebration and this is his year. Normally I can guess what he has planned but not this time!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 244, Scarf 244: Anniversary Bliss

Today was my 4th wedding anniversary with Max. We have had an amazing 4 years of marriage and I look forward to all of the adventures that await us in the future. I feel so lucky to be with him!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 243, Scarf 243: Eight Month Milestone

Well, here we are! Eight months of scarves knitted, no hand or shoulder cramps and only 4 months of scarves to go!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 242, Scarf 242: Back to Blue Skies

Finally the weather warmed up enough for me to go out without my shrug again. I was worried we had lost summer altogether!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 241, Scarf 241: Anticipation

Today was a rough day as Max and I waited to hear if our offer on a duplex would be accepted...unfortunately another couple had already made an offer so we have to wait and see if it goes through. I can't handle the waiting!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 240, Scarf 240: Hot Pink Icing

Today was Avery's first birthday (my friend Jamie's daughter) and she had a big party at her grandparents' house. I think the highlight of the evening was when the cake came out. She had an enormous piece of cake covered in pink icing and within minutes it was Avery giggling with pleasure as she smushed cake into her face and covered herself with the hot pink icing.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 239, Scarf 239: Junkyard Gem

Well, I went to the junkyard for the first time today with Max. He needed a few things for his car and so I came along for the ride, knitting this scarf on the way there and back. The worst part of my experience there was walking into a cobweb...the best - I found a dime!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 238, Scarf 238: Isabelle

This scarf is made for my newborn niece, Isabelle. She was born this morning at 3:15am and is as cute as a button. I also made my first rag quilt today for her. It is cute and cuddly just like her! :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 237, Scarf 237: Back to School with Bettie

Today I went to the school to start getting my classroom ready. I got so much done because my friend Bettie was there to keep me company. Thanks for a great day Bettie!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 236, Scarf 236: Sand and Sea

These colours just make me think of the ocean...beautiful and calm.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 235, Scarf 235: Twisted Plastecine

This scarf reminds me of when you take all of the plastecine colours and mix them together to get a swirly snake!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 233, Scarf 233: On the Boat...or so we thought

Today Mum, Dad and myself were supposed to go out on the boat for the first time this summer. We packed up our gear and headed off in the heat. Dad swung that trailer down the ramp like the pro that he is, got the boat in the water (with a bit of a bang...something happened to the trailer) and then Mum and I patiently waited while Dad parked the car. When he returned we discovered that the boat just would not start. Dad tried all of his tricks but the motor just did not want to move. Feeling somewhat defeated we decided it was time to call it a day. Dad went back up and grabbed the trailer (after walking the 1 and a half kilometers back to the car) put the boat back on the trailer like a pro and then we were heading back home.

We had planned a beautiful lunch for out boat trip and did not want to just eat it in the kitchen so we decided to head off to Lion's park for our picnic. When we arrived we discovered that there was live music! A three piece band and three singers called "Company B" playing music by the Andrews Sisters, the Boswell Sisters and many more! It turned into a lovely, relaxing afternoon that happened by accident!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

DAy 232, Scarf 232: Tons from Tara

This scarf is dedicated to my parents' next door neighbour, Tara, who donated two huge bags of absolutely beautiful yarn. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 231, Scarf 231: Sad to Say So Long

This scarf was knitted during my last class in EDCP 416. It was a bitter sweet goodbye - we were all happy that we were going to get to enjoy the rest of our summer but it was hard to say goodbye. It's amazing the connections you can make in such a short amount of time.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Scarf 230, Scarf 230: Rainbow Chip Icing

This yarn reminds me of the icing on my cousin-in-law's favourite type of cupcakes! Mmm...rainbow chip icing!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 229, Scarf 229: Quinoa Salad with Red Peppers

OK, this scarf doesn't actually look like the tasty quinoa salad I made today for our Orff class BBQ but it reminds me of the sweet and juicy red peppers in it!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 228, Scarf 228: Rainbow Not So Bright

There is a rainbow in here but it is very subtle in the way that it is mixed in with the gray yarn. Rainbow's always make me think of my childhood icon, Rainbow Bright!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 227, Scarf 227: Birds of a Feather

This scarf reminds me of the fluffy little feathers on a sparrow's chest.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 226, Scarf 226: Sleepy Sunday

This white sparkly scarf makes me think of sleeping and dreaming. Both Max and I were absolutely exhausted today. We ended up taking a nap at about 4pm and then went to bed fairly early too. I think it is this cloudy, rainy weather.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 225, Scarf 225: Ben and Karen say Bye-Bye

Today we went to Max's parents' place to bid his brother (Ben) and his brother's wife (Karen) farewell. They are off to Atlanta, Georgia so that Ben can pursue his Phd. We are really going to miss them.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 224, Scarf 224: Yam Roll

I have a new addiction. Ever since going for sushi with Tommy and Morgan during the fireworks I have been craving yam rolls. I never used to eat sushi at all...I know, this isn't considered REAL sushi but it is a big step for me! Today when I was out with my friend Jamie (not the dragon) and her daughter Avery we went to a Japanese restaurant and I finally got to have yam roll again! It is heavenly!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 223, Scarf 223: Vibrant Vibrations

This scarf reminds me of the sense of connection I felt today in class. We were learning about audiation, the ability to hear melody and rhythm in your head, and had to learn a song on the recorder without sheet music. The funny thing was that when I looked at the instructor's fingers and watched what she played I messed up! If I just grooved to the music my fingers would fall into place. I didn't have to think about it at all!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 222, Scarf 222: Jamie the Dragon with No Friends

In today's Orff class we created a composition in which one of the students in our class, a guy named Jamie, had to play a big dragon that was so scary he had no friends. It was absolutely hilarious and I just had to make a scarf in honour of him!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 221, Scarf 221: Sunny Skies

It was hard to feel grumpy about being home on this particular Tuesday because the weather was absolutely beautiful.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 220, Scarf 220: Sun and Storm

This scarf was made while reminiscing about the spectacular weather we had experience on our trip. It was hard to go home.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 219, Scarf 219: Swim

This scarf reminds me of swimming during the evening storm. There is nothing more exciting than swimming with thunder and lightning!