Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Out of town until the 9th

Just wanted to let everyone know that Max and I will be taking a trip to the cabin and then around BC for the next week or so. Don't worry, I'm taking enough yarn to knit 9 scarves...I'll update and tell you all of their names when I get back.

Day 187, Scarf 187: Just Dreamy

Well, today I headed over to Dream Designs to see if any donations had been made. Not only was the basket by the cash register full of yarn, they had more yarn for me in the back room! This scarf is knitted with some of the yarn that was donated. Thank you to all that dropped off yarn.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 186, Scarf 186: Sea Breeze

Today's scarf had me thinking of the breeze off the sea because of its blue-green colour. It's no wonder that my mind was going to all things summery, today was the last day of school for the more teaching for two months just sun, beach, and relaxation!

Day 185, Scarf 185: Strawberry Truffle

This brown, white and dusty pink scarf makes me think of chocolate - a strawberry truffle to be exact!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 184, Scarf 184: The Pink Lily

This pink scarf was knitted in honour of my friend Shannon's Mom's garden. As we helped Shannon with the garden at her house she told us about how her mom had purchased a whole bunch of lilies that were supposed to come up red and orange. Well, they all did, except for one - there was one pink lily in the mix and she was not pleased! This scarf is knitted for that daring lily.

Day 183, Scarf 183: Will it be a girl?

Today's scarf was knitted with various shades of pink. I went to my sister-in-law's baby shower and the question on everyone's mind is "will it be a boy or a girl?"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 182, Scarf 182: Six Month Milestone

Can you believe it? I have knitted an entire 6 months worth of scarves now. Today's scarf is a sort of burnt red colour knitted with yarn donated by my Auntie D and more of the leftovers from "Garage Sale Guru". Although the task seems daunting, I think I am going to lug all 5 bins of scarves out of the basement so that I can photograph the six months worth of scarves in my possession.

To make this day even better, when I was walking by Dream Designs this evening I peeked in the window to see how my basket for yarn donations was doing - it was full of yarn! I am so thrilled and can't wait to go in tomorrow to pick it up. Thank you to whoever went out and donated. I truly appreciate it!

Day 181, Scarf 181: Spicy Guru

As I'm sure you can guess from its name, this scarf is a combination of the colours used in "Spicy Red" and "Garage Sale Guru".

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 180, Scarf 180: Garage Sale Guru

This scarf was knitted with burnt orange yarn that I spotted at a garage sale on the weekend. I hadn't been looking for yarn but after I had purchased 5 CDs for $5 I noticed a bag of yarn sitting on the ground. Rather than purchase the yarn, I told the owner that if it didn't sell by the end of the day and she wanted to get rid of it she could drop it off at Dream Designs for my project. When she heard about my project she said "Take it! Take all of it! Oh, and take these books about knitting too!". What a great find.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 179, Scarf 179: Spicy Red

Today's scarf was made with lots of red yarn and a little bit of a multi-coloured red and gray yarn. It is called "Spicy Red" because it reminds me of my friend Shannon's description of the paint colour in her new living room.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 178, Scarf 178: My Blue Green Eyes

This scarf was knitted for my eyes which have been giving me problems. It turns out I have ocular rosacea. No fun.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 177, Scarf 177: Sleepy Seafoam

This seafoam, pale blue and purple scarf was knitted in a haze. I was so tired today, partly because of the heartburn that followed last night's Thai food, partly because I had a sore back that woke me up at 6am on a Sunday. Nevertheless, this scarf was completed by the end of the day. I cannot fall behind!

Day 176, Scarf 176: Thailicious

This purple and blue scarf reminds me of the menu for Thailicious. We had our friends Shannon and Mike over and none of us wanted to go anywhere...we were all too tired. We decided to Google restaurants that would deliver in our neighbourhood. Thailicious popped up with it's purple and blue menu. This was by far the best Thai food I've ever had!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 175, Scarf 175: Spring Flowers

This pink, green, and yellow multi-coloured yarn made me think of bright pink and yellow flowers blooming in the Spring. Can you tell I want a garden?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 174, Scarf 174: Babies, babies, babies

It's funny how lately it seems like everyone I know is either pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or a mom! How did we all grow up so quickly? Today's scarf is knitted with a variety of multi-coloured yarns intended for babies.

Day 173, Scarf 173: Big K Sandstone

This scarf was knitted using 2 multicoloured balls of yarn that my Auntie D donated and my friend Marnie wound into a nice ball. It was fascinating to see that this yarn had the classic Kmart logo on it and had the name Sandstone. Where do they get these names from?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 172, Scarf 172: Planting Succulents

Well, today was the day to plant all of the little baby succulents we found on our walk the other day. Will they take root? Who can say? Today's scarf was knitted in a variety of green tones to represent the variety of colours found in the succulents we collected.

Day 171, Scarf 171: The Sky is Falling

After today's Zumba class we all noticed that it was not a bright out as it should be when we finished. There was an almost green hue to the light entering the gym from outside. When I walked outside the sky literally opened and pelted me with enormous raindrops. I have never walked in rain like this. The rain had me completely soaked through in the measly 5 minutes I was outside walking. Water was pouring into my eyes, my nose, I pretty much had had my shower before I'd made it in the front door! This green scarf was made in honour of the foreboding green hue that led to the downpour.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 170, Scarf 170: Searching for Succulents

This scarf was knitted on a Sunday upon which Max and I had made it our mission to discover "naturally occurring" succulents. We want to start our own little succulent garden so we went searching for some that had made babies. We were very lucky a lady in Strathcona with beautiful succulents told us to help ourselves! This scarf is green and white like some of the succulents we saw.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 169, Scarf 169: World Wide Knit in Public Day

Today was World Wide Knit in Public Day so today's scarf really got around. I managed to start knitting it on the #9 bus on our way to Kits Beach. I knitted and walked down Yew Street only to discover that we were too late for the gathering of knitters or we just didn't see them. No matter, the scarf came for a walk along the waterfront, across the Burrard Street bridge, through the downtown core, into gastown, through Chinatown, through Strathcona and finally home. That evening the scarf came for dinner at Foundation and then to the Malkin Bowl for the Metric concert where it was finally finished! This purple and black scarf got lots of exposure on this special day!

Day 168, Scarf 168: A Little Help from my Friends

This gray and cream coloured scarf was knitted while I had a few friends over for dinner. I had just received 2 donations - a bag of about 5 beautiful balls of already wound yarn from someone who had heard my interview on CBC and another bag of about 30 balls of yarn from my Auntie D in California! My wonderful friends sat and wound yarn (without being asked) and chatted happily throughout the night! Thank you Jamie, Diana, Marnie and also baby Avery! Thank you also to those who donated the yarn!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 167, Scarf 167: Disco Fuzz

Well, there's just no other way to put it, this black, pink and purple scarf just had to be called "Disco Fuzz". It's fuzzy and it makes me want to dance! The weird thing about it was that as I was knitting merrily along the purple ball unraveled to reveal a purple scarf that was hiding inside the ball of yarn! Check out the picture!

CBC Radio One - North by Northwest Interview with Sheryl MacKay - June 6th, 2010

Here's my interview! I know it was early in the morning so I wouldn't expect you all to get up to listen. Now you can listen at your leisure and even stop for a snack break if you need to!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 166, Scarf 166: Red Raven

This scarf reminds me of the First Nations style ravens that the grade 4s at our school just put up in front of the office. They mostly used red, black and white paper to make them and this scarf is made up of those colours.

Day 165, Scarf 165: Sleepy Bear

This scarf was knitted on a day when I was feeling very tired. I'm not sure why I've been so tired but I just feel like the sleepy CareBear. There was a sleepy CareBear, wasn't there? Anyway, it is knitted with soft blues, gray, and white. It was a very soothing scarf to knit.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 164, Scarf 164: Red, White and Brown

Today's scarf was knitted with red, white and brown. The brown in this scarf makes me think of the brown suede high-heeled boots I chose to walk home in. It was a one hour walk home and now my feet are about as red as the red in the scarf. Live and learn!

Day 163, Scarf 163: Sunday Sunflowers

I apologize for the late post on this one, I was not able to access my blog! This scarf was knitted with several shades of yellow and brown while sitting at my Auntie Lilian's house for "craft day". The funny thing was I specifically chose those colours because they made me think of sunflowers and then when I arrived at Auntie Lilian's place, the tablecloth covering the table at which I was knitting was covered with a sunflowers! What are the chances?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 162, Scarf 162: Portuguese Wine

This scarf was knitted late last night while Max, my friend Diana, and I sampled some Portuguese wine. The burgundy colour in the scarf represents the delicious, easy-drinking wine.

Day 161, Scarf 161: Where The Wild Things Are

My "Wild Thing" with the scarf

This scarf was knitted after a day of working on making "Where The Wild Things Are" into a play with my grade 6 class. The colours chosen for this scarf were inspired by the colour palette of the book.

Day 160, Scarf 160: Grass Cutting

Today was the first beautiful day in a while and it was obvious that everyone agreed! As Max and I went for an evening stroll we could see grass cuttings all over the sidewalks. This scarf is knitted with several shades of green to represent the grass.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 159, Scarf 159: Mellow Mallows

Today's scarf reminds me of those mini marshmallows that come in pastel colours. I was feeling particularly mellow today as I have finished the concert, recorder festival, and report cards! I'm going to have so much spare time to fill up!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 158, Scarf 158: Shannon and Mike's House

Today's scarf was knitted in honour of my friends, Shannon and Mike, getting their house. This scarf is white and green just like their house! They just got the house yesterday and are going to be doing some major renovations...we can't wait to help them make it a home.