Today's scarf was made in memory of my cousin Diana's pink scooter Panther. She sadly ended up selling Panther today. Originally, Panther was intended for me because I do not have a vehicle and thought it might be fun to have a scooter to scoot to work; however, Max (who was also interested in purchasing a scooter for us to enjoy on the weekends) was not interested in riding a pink scooter around town. Pink just isn't manly enough I suppose. This pink scarf is for you, Panther!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Day 126, Scarf 126: Panther
Today's scarf was made in memory of my cousin Diana's pink scooter Panther. She sadly ended up selling Panther today. Originally, Panther was intended for me because I do not have a vehicle and thought it might be fun to have a scooter to scoot to work; however, Max (who was also interested in purchasing a scooter for us to enjoy on the weekends) was not interested in riding a pink scooter around town. Pink just isn't manly enough I suppose. This pink scarf is for you, Panther!
Day 125, Scarf 125: Pink Candy Floss
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 124, Scarf 124: Pretty in Pink Pussycat
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 123, Scarf 123: ABC, easy as 123
Day 122, Scarf 122: Hot pink on a not so hot day
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Day 121, Scarf 121: Four Month Milestone
It's hard to believe that four months have passed since I started this project. In that time, I have come to realize that this knitting project is becoming somewhat diary-like. Every scarf has a memory attached to it. Today's scarf was knitted with the blues left over from yesterday's scarf and some new, darker grays.
Day 120, Scarf 120: Baby Elephant at the Movies
After attending my friend Mee-Ying's baby shower today and seeing all of the cute elephant-themed baby stuff it was clear that I needed to knit a scarf that reminded me of elephants. Today's scarf was knitted with blues and grays while Max and I were on a date night at the movies following the baby shower. I think that the people at the movie theater thought I was crazy for having knitting needles in my hands where popcorn should be! The most unfortunate part of knitting at the movies was when I realized, 3/4 of the way through the movie, that I had made the scarf too wide and was out of gray. I ended up pulling out the whole thing in the movie theater and starting again. No matter though, I managed to get it started and half way done in the last quarter of the movie.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Day 119, Scarf 119: Mexican Fiesta in Grayscale
This scarf was knitted while Max and I were at my friend Shannon's place for a Mexican Fiesta! Her husband Mike made the most delicious enchiladas. We sat around chatting all night and before I knew it I had knitted a scarf that was taller than me! The colours in the scarf, gray, gray, and more gray, do not really go with the Mexican theme but it was raining so the gray seemed appropriate when I chose it.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 118, Scarf 118: Teachers are not the best students
I knitted this pink and purple scarf during our professional development day at the school. I sat with the "rebel" teachers and knitted while we worked on our school goals. I actually found that I listened and learned better while knitting. That said, our table was quite rowdy and were not the quietest "students" in the library. It was a great pro-d day filled with laughter (and knitting).
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Day 117, Scarf 117: Possible Pink Slip
Day 116, Scarf 116: My Musical Yarn Winders
Monday, April 19, 2010
Day 115, Scarf 115: Hot Zumba
Today's dusty rose coloured scarf was knitted before I headed out to a Zumba class at my local recreation centre. Having had wonderful weather all day the gym at my Zumba class was much warmer than usual! We all ended up dripping with sweat and feeling exhausted by the end of class. It sure is a lot of fun though!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Day 114, Scarf 114: A Hunting We Will Go
Today's peach, pink and purple scarf was knitted as Max and I drove all over town looking at open houses. We looked at apartments, townhouses and houses but still are uncertain of exactly where we would like to live! Attending open houses is proving to be quite enjoyable and is building our confidence in what it is that we don't want!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Day 113, Scarf 113: To Mo and To We Go!
Today we drove out to Bellingham to visit our friends Morgan and Tommy. We met Morgan and Tommy while travelling in Turkey and Egypt. Our friendship grew quickly as they came to live with us for two weeks while we were living in Cairo. They are amazing people and it was so wonderful to get to see them again. This scarf pink and purple scarf was knitted while waiting in the border lineup to get to their place!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day 112, Scarf 112: Auntie Lilian's Patience
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Day 111, Scarf 111: Cream Puff Poodle
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 110, Scarf 110: For my Fabulous Family
Today's scarf was knitted for my family because they are so amazing. I was thinking back to Easter Sunday (about a week and a half ago) and how my cousins, aunt, uncle, great uncle and dad all set about helping me to wind yarn. It was amazing! We were all winding our yarn in time to the Jamaican music playing on the stereo and singing along. I love my family for being so supportive. What other family can say that they were winding yarn at Easter?
"For my Fabulous Family" is knitted with black, green and gold to represent my Jamaican roots.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day 109, Scarf 109: Feeling Blue
Day 108, Scarf 108: Melissa and Matt
Today's scarf was knitted with blacks and blues which reminded me of the waters over which we flew only to make friends in Cairo, Egypt that were from Langley! How is it possible that we would meet a couple that lives only 45 minutes away from our hometown? It was so great to see Melissa and Matt yesterday evening. We had a lovely time remembering our trip and chatting about all of our latest news.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Day 101, Scarf 101: Dalmatians
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Day 100, Scarf 100: Centenial Scarf!
Can you believe it? It's actually been 100 days! I am still amazed that I have not yet fallen behind! 100 scarves in 100 days. I feel so proud of myself for making it this far.
There is only one thing that worries me. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I was actually accepted into the Masters in Music Education program at UBC about a week ago. Now I worry that come September I might get behind. Perhaps I will have to start knitting two scarves a day in the summer...yikes!
Day 99, Scarf 99: Wedding Day Bliss
Today was the big day for Ben and Karen. Before heading out for their wedding, I managed to get this scarf started using, you guessed it, more peach yarn! I think I might be using peach yarn for a while.
The wedding was absolutely perfect. We all had an amazing time and felt so friendly towards each other. It was a fantastic event.
Day 98, Scarf 98: Peachy
Well, this scarf is exactly what it sounds like - peach, peach and more peach! I've had so many donations that I'm sorry to say that I can't remember who donated this yarn but whoever it was donated a whole lot of it! I was able to use 4 balls of peach yarn at once on this one and I still have more left...can you guess what colour the next scarf will be?
Day 97, Scarf 97: Prenuptial Potluck in Pink and Purple
Day 96, Scarf 96: Romantic Peanuts
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